TAS Breast Thermography Evaluation Software Program

TAS's breast thermogram interpretation service delivers accurate, objective, credible and comprehensive assessments of the complicated thermal patterns of the human breast. The core of this ability is its proprietary analysis and reporting software.
TAS's breast thermogram evaluation program embodies the international gold standard "Gautherie" breast thermogram interpretation protocol, based on a statistical analysis of the clinical evaluations of more than 110,000 symptomatic patients over a fifteen-year period. The software accurately assesses more than twenty important qualitative and quantitative thermopathological markers.
The program employed by TAS is the modernized and augmented version of the program first introduced in 1982 by TAS's Founder, which was was welcomed with wide praise from the thermography community, including the most vociferous opponents of breast thermography at that time. The Jan. 1984 American Journal of Radiology reported that 'the program finally brings objectivity to the interpretation of breast thermograms.'
The first generation program boasted 90% sensitivity and accuracy, and TAS's second generation augmentation improves upon both.