Breast Thermography Equipment - FLIR Cameras

FLIR Systems, Inc. is the world's premier manufacturer of infrared cameras. It offers a wide selection of high quality products, sells more IR cameras than all other brands combined, and is well known for providing top-notch service. Read more about FLIR  »

The FLIR A325sc Camera is the core technology of multiple turnkey and bare bones thermography systems. The A325sc camera is an ideal choice for breast thermography, ACT Examinations and similar epidermal thermal imaging. The outstanding performance of the A325sc cameras, and its siblings the A655sc Series cameras, surpasses all other cameras in their price range...and many others costing substantially more.

The A325sc delivers high-speed video at a 60Hz frame rate, 320px X 240px resolution, and represent a serious price/performance breakthrough. The list prices for a 'kit' that includes advanced camera control and basic image analysis software is $9,950 for the Model A325sc.

The state-of-the-art A655sc camera, with 600px X 480px resolution and output video frame rates form 50Hz to 200Hz (at reduced resolution), is the ultimate in price/performance breakthroughs. List price for kits including software, is $19,950 for the Model A655sc.

The A325sc and A655sc FLIR cameras are available from TAS with affordable tax-advantaged Financing.

Whether you're adding thermography, upgrading an existing system, or investigating an IR camera solution for your biomedical requirements, call on TAS. We'll be pleased to guide your purchase to assure you achieve the best solution for your needs, at the best price.

Please use the following form to request detailed information and specification sheets:

Please tell us your thermology area of interest:
Breast Exams    
ACT Examination    
Body Scans    
Other (Specify)
Select from the following to receive additional literature:
IR Handbook  
A325sc camera  
A655sc Camera  
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Thermogram Assessment Services
18484 Preston Rd., Ste 102-142 • Dallas, TX 75252
Telephone (800) 460-4129 • Facsimile (310) 427-7635